Come Holy Spirit (Day Retreat)
Our day retreat focuses on guiding the young people to re-discover the beauty and importance of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Running from 10am to 4pm, the young people will first explore who the Holy Spirit is and His presence in their lives, even when one doesn’t realise it.
God’s Chosen People (Residential Retreat)
For a fuller experience, the residential retreat offers the young people a chance to explore what it means to be part of God’s chosen people.
The retreat typically starts at the campfire, in darkness: as the young people hear about the history of creation the campfire is lit, and it grows stronger whilst the confirmands hear about the 4 covenants God made with Israel, all the way to the covenant God wants to make with them through the sacrament of Confirmation.
The second day is centred about exploring who else is part of God’s chosen people: through workshops touching on the lives of the saints, and through the virgin Mary, the young people will explore topics such as prayer, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, Catholic Social Teachings on various matters and more, with a focus on how the young people can live their lives conscious of the greater mission that God meant for them, carrying out their Christian vocation in their families, schools and parish communities, fuelled by the power of the Holy Spirit. This day usually finishes with exposition, one of the most treasured activities of our retreat programmes.
On the third day the day begins by exploring the topic of suffering, through the life of Joseph son of Jacob (the young people will have watched a movie on his life the night before, during their cinema night!). The young people will then explore the importance and beauty of Mass through different activities. The retreat finishes with Mass.