
We are Youth Ministry Outreach

We believe that the best way to help young people at all stages of spiritual development is by having specially-crafted ministries to offer young people support throughout their spiritual journey. Our Outreach team is largely responsible for programmes which run throughout the year.


We offer bespoke ongoing programmes seeking to support both diocesan and parish youth ministry.


Our two main events, The Summit and Resonate, are chances for young people to socialise, share a meal together, learn more about their faith and be introduced to a deeper level of prayer and adoration.

Parish Support

We work with parishes across the diocese to develop their youth programmes, set up youth groups and run training sessions.

Meet the Outreach Team

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Zuzanna Tatarczyk
Zuzanna Tatarczyk

Outreach Manager

Iona Robinson
Iona Robinson

Communications and Outreach Worker

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Safeguarding with the Outreach Team

The Diocese of Westminster Youth Ministry is committed to the Safeguarding policies of the Catholic Church in England and Wales, to take all reasonable steps to protect children, young people and vulnerable adults from any form of abuse or maltreatment and to promote a safe environment for them.

Read our Safeguarding Policy in full>

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