Artists Competition (under 18s)

Your Personal Information

Your Name(Required)
Your Email Address

Parental Contact

Parent/Guardian Email Address(Required)
If successful we will contact your parent/guardian to let the know and arrange a way of collecting your art piece.

Submission point

Upload your piece in .pdf, .doc, .jpg or .png format
Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, jpg, png, Max. file size: 25 MB.

Privacy Policy

Protecting your privacy – Westminster Youth Ministry is a part of the Diocese of Westminster. The diocese will store your completed form as a record of the consent your parent/guardian and/or you have provided for the diocese to contact you and/or your parent/guardian as well as post an image of the submission with your first name on the Youth Ministry’s website, newsletter and other relevant channels. Your parent and/or you can withdraw your consent for uploading any information on any of the channels at any time by contacting . Further details on how we process your data and your rights are in the full diocesan privacy notice, available at: