
Young Adults Mass

Join us for our diocesan Young Adults Mass in the beautiful Crypt of Westminster Cathedral!


Diocesan Youth Leaders Retreat Day

A day to come together, share experience, receive some formation and encouragement, and spend time with the Lord. Open to both parish youth leaders and those interested in serving the youth.


Young Adults Mass

Join us for our diocesan Young Adults Mass in the beautiful Crypt of Westminster Cathedral!

RESONATE: The Doxology

Join us for the final session our exciting new series of Resonate in preparation for the Jubilee Year this year! The Jubilee has arrived, and so our preparation series is coming to an end. We warmly invite you to our last Resonate in this series, in which we explore the DOXOLOGY.

Big Hertfordshire Summit

Join us in Stevenage on 26 April for the Big Hertfordshire Summit, an afternoon of games, workshops food, socialising, and ENCOUNTER with the Lord!


Young Adults Mass

Join us for our diocesan Young Adults Mass in the beautiful Crypt of Westminster Cathedral!


Young Adults Mass

Join us for our diocesan Young Adults Mass in the beautiful Crypt of Westminster Cathedral!