Donations for Retreat Bookings
Upon confirmation of your group booking, to secure your place we would appreciate a donation equal to 10% of the full donation.
Your full donation will then be expected 60 days prior of the date of your expected arrival – should this donation not be received we will consider your request to secure our facilities for your group as cancelled. As such, we will not be expecting you on the day of arrival and will have no obligation to provide any facilities or resources to your group.
Our retreats are donation-based only. We would very much appreciate a donation that allows us to offset the cost of running your retreat.

To make your donation by cheque
Address the cheque to WRCDT-SPEC, and send it to the Diocesan Finance Department at the address shown below (please write the name of your school/parish on the back of the cheque with the retreat date):
Administration Office
SPEC Retreat Centre
125 Waxwell Lane
Phone: 020 3757 2500
To make your donation by bank transfer:
You can make your final donation by bank transfer to:
Sort code: 40-05-20
Account number: 81672134
Quoting reference: SPEC and your school/parish name.
Should you no longer have the requirement of our facilities and inform us within 30 days of the date of arrival we will be unable to return to you any of your donation. This is because we would have already used this to offset all the necessary incurred preparation costs for your visit.
Should you cancel the requirement of our facilities outside of 30 days we will return 75% of your confirmation donation – if for any reason we are able to rebook our facilities for a similar event during the period that your group originally reserved we will return the remaining 25% of your confirmation donation.
These generous donations go towards offsetting the costs involved in facilitating retreats/group activities and provide us with the funds which enable us to continue the mission of Westminster Youth Ministry.