Called by Name
Through this retreat young people discover that God has called each and everyone of them individually by name.
Retreat Aim
To know someone’s name is to have a relationship with them and through the activities and sessions on this retreat year 9 students are encouraged to deepen their personal relationships with Christ, to truly get to know who He is.
We look at the passage from Isiah 43:1-2 which not only shows that God knows each one of us personally, but the verse also reminds us that no matter what struggle we will go through in life, God will be always be there – in all the fires and deep waters alike.
This retreat serves as a reminder to young people that they have a God who loves them, knows them by name and will be present with them through all the difficulties they may face in life. It is particularly an excellent reminder just as this year group approaches the beginning of their GCSE education.
Some of the activities we do on this retreat:
The Obstacle Course, where a young person is tasked with only listening to directions from one person amidst the opposite team’s distractions, in order to get from start to finish. This activity demonstrates how in life there will be various distractions that will attempt to pull us away from the voice of God, but as long as we have built this relationship with him, we will be able to recognise his voice in the midst of distractions.
Guided Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Many young people do not always have the opportunity to experience this themselves. Yet adoration serves as a beautiful time to encounter the Lord personally. Through a guided reflection, young people are able to reflect on their lives and start to build their own relationship with God, who has always loved them and who calls them by name.
“I have been most amazed by the [young people’s] willingness to be moulded by the hands of Jesus like potters clay. I think [our year 9] got a lot from it!”
“My favourite activity was the campfire, as it was nice to have fun, sing songs and conclude our day in prayer by the bonfire”
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