RESONATE is Westminster Youth Ministry’s official Catholic intellectual formation series for young adults aged 18-35 within the Diocese of Westminster.
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Our Holy Father Pope Francis has expressed that, “In this time of preparation, I would greatly desire that we devote 2024, the year preceding the Jubilee event, to a great “symphony” of prayer.” The theme of the Jubilee Year is ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ and so, just as we prepare prayerfully for any pilgrimage, so we will prepare prayerfully to become such pilgrims.
What better way, then, to devote the year to prayer, than to dive into the prayer that God himself taught us through the words of Jesus according to St Matthew (Matthew 6:9-13). Making our way, step by step, through the Lord’s prayer over the course of the year, we will learn to listen to the riches that God wants to share with us through the different themes unfolded in the prayer’s profound words.
Pope Francis invites YOU to seize this opportunity, to stand up and begin walking with the global Catholic family towards the Holy Year. Let’s fill the room with young people saying to Jesus “Here I am, teach me to pray”. To you, Jesus says, When you pray, say
Dates for your Diary
Working through the prayer, petition by petition, over the course of the year, we will learn to listen to the riches that God wants to share with us through the different themes unfolded in its lines.
Each session will consist of a talk, discussion time, time for prayer and reflection, an opportunity for socialising, and refreshments.
Click here to download a printable flyer.
‘Our Father Who Art In Heaven’ – Introduction to Prayer (February)
Our Father, who art in heaven…
In this first session, we will examine the theology and spirituality of the opening petition of the Lord’s Prayer, and in light of its words we will receive an introduction to prayer.
Guest speaker: Fr Ivano Millico
When: Wednesday, 28 February 2024, 7-9pm
Where: Vaughan House, 46 Francis St, London SW1P 1QN
‘Hallowed Be Thy Name’ – Identity (May)
Hallowed Be Thy Name…
In this second session, we will examine the theology and spirituality of the second petition of the Lord’s Prayer, and in light of its words we will explore the theme of IDENTITY. Join us at 7pm in the Crypt of Westminster Cathedral for our diocesan Young Adults Mass, before we all head together to the conference room for Dr Pia’s talk!
Guest speaker: Dr Pia Matthews
When: Thursday, 14 May 2024, 8pm
Where: Vaughan House, 46 Francis St, London SW1P 1QN
‘Thy Kingdom Come’ – Social Justice (June)
Thy Kingdom Come…
In the third session, we will examine the theology and spirituality of the third petition of the Lord’s Prayer, and in light of its words we will explore the theme of SOCIAL JUSTICE.
Guest speaker: Delphine Chui
When: Thursday, 27 June 2024, 7-9pm
Where: Vaughan House, 46 Francis St, London SW1P 1QN
‘Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven’ – Art (September)
Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven…
In the fourth session, we will explore the theology and spirituality of the fourth petition of the Lord’s Prayer, and in light of its words we will examine the role played by ART in carrying out God’s will.
Guest speaker: Mike Quirke
When: Thursday, 5 September 2024, 7-9pm
Where: Vaughan House, 46 Francis St, London SW1P 1QN
‘Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread’ – Eucharist (October)
Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread…
In the fifth session, we will examine the theology and spirituality of the fifth petition of the Lord’s Prayer, and in light of its words we will explore the theme of the EUCHARIST.
Guest speaker: Fr Jerome Ituah OCD
When: Thursday, 17 October 2024, 7-9pm
Where: Vaughan House, 46 Francis St, London SW1P 1QN
‘Forgive Us Our Trespasses, As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us’ – Reconciliation (December)
Forgive Us Our Trespasses, As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us…
In the sixth session, we will examine the theology and spirituality of the sixth petition of the Lord’s Prayer, and in light of its words we will explore the theme of RECONCILIATION.
Guest speaker: Fr Toby Lees
When: Thursday, 19 December 2024, 7-9pm
Where: Vaughan House, 46 Francis St, London SW1P 1QN
‘And Lead Us Not Into Temptation, But Deliver Us From Evil’ – Holiness ( February 2025)
And Lead Us Not Into Temptation, But Deliver Us From Evil…
In the seventh session, we will examine the theology and spirituality of the seventh petition of the Lord’s Prayer, and in light of its words we will explore the universal call to HOLINESS.
Guest speaker: Kerri Christopher
When: Thursday, 27 February 2025, 7-9pm
Where: Vaughan House, 46 Francis St, London SW1P 1QN
The Doxology (April 2025)
For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours now and forever.
In this our final session, we will examine the theology and spirituality of the Doxology, and we will round off the RESONATE series with an evening of worship, giving thanks to God for the many riches he has shared with us through this, his own prayer.
When: Thursday, 24 April 2025, 6:30-9pm
Where: St Mary’s University Chapel, 692 Waldegrave Rd, Twickenham TW1 4SX
Resonate Sign Up (with payment)
Sign up to Westminster Youth Ministry’s Resonate event
Who is RESONATE for?
Young adults aged 18-35 living, studying or working within the Catholic Archdiocese Diocese of Westminster, who are interested in deepening their intellectual formation within the Catholic faith.
Can I attend online?
Sessions will be in-person only.
Do I have to be Catholic?
You do not have to be Catholic to attend our sessions, but if you are not Catholic then we do ask that you attend with an openness of heart and mind to the faith, and that you are respectful towards the other young adults attending. And let God surprise you, he can do wonderful things with a willing, curious heart!
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