Welcome to our Catholic youth work Resources archive!

This section is primarily for parish youth workers and those involved in organising groups of young people. You may be a youth worker or leader, or perhaps just a regular young person who wants to start something in their school or parish. Whatever your situation, this Catholic youth work Resources archive is full of ideas for activities, games, praying etc. Use our filter tool below if you’re looking for something in particular. Please bear in mind that many of our resources can be used outside of the designated age range or theme, these are simply here to give you a rough guide!

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Disclosure Form

Concerns and allegations about a child who is, or may be, at risk need to be documented.

How To

How to Lead Games

When working with young people, knowing how to lead games well can be a real string to bow and helps a lot with behaviour management.

How To

How to set up a projector with a laptop

Here we discuss how to set up a projector with a laptop. In a youth group setting, this can be a really useful skill as you set up your room or activity.

How To

How to start up a youth group in your parish

If you live in the Diocese of Westminster and want to start something for young people, we at the youth service are dedicated to helping you support the young people in your parish in the best way possible.


Incident Report Form

A form which records any accidents that happen during youth group and the action that was taken as a result.

How To

Making a Prayer Display/Focus

A fantastic way to help set an atmosphere for a prayer is by having a prayer focus. Here we run through a couple of useful things to consider when putting one together.


Risk Assessment Form

A risk assessment is a key document to ensure the safe planning of the event or group.