Welcome to our Catholic youth work Resources archive!

This section is primarily for parish youth workers and those involved in organising groups of young people. You may be a youth worker or leader, or perhaps just a regular young person who wants to start something in their school or parish. Whatever your situation, this Catholic youth work Resources archive is full of ideas for activities, games, praying etc. Use our filter tool below if you’re looking for something in particular. Please bear in mind that many of our resources can be used outside of the designated age range or theme, these are simply here to give you a rough guide!

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Blindfold game

How do you find your way when you have lots of voices telling you different things?!


Building a biscuit sculpture

This team activity involves groups building a biscuit scultpure out of biscuits and buttercream. The team who create the best sculpture as judged by you is the winner.


Capture the Flag

A large group team game where opposing teams must capture the opponent’s flag.


Carpet Tiles

This is a team game involving carpet tiles and a little bit of competition.


Co-op Colouring

A useful activity for teaching young people the importance of working as a team and the need for others/ community.


Dinner Mishmash

All members of the group are given £2 to buy food for a communal meal.



Splitting the group into two teams, they must throw balls at one another and the winning team is the one who hits all the opposing members first.


Escape the Snake tomb

Groups must work together as teams to cross a marked out area and collect items upon the way, while at the same time ensuring they don’t touch the floor.


Four Square Dodgeball

A twist on the normal game of dodge ball, this is a handy game for large groups to keep everyone involved.


Group Transformers

Have the group put their imagination and teamwork to the test as they create scenes and items using only their bodies.


Human Knot

Testing their problem-solving and teamwork abilities, the young people must untangle themselves from one another.


Magic Bamboo

Simple in theory, an intense challenge in practice, can you bring the floating bamboo down to earth?


Magic Island

Testing their teamwork, the young people must all balance on a gradually shrinking piece of land.


Reach for the Sweets

Working as a team, pairs of young people must take it in turns to see how many sweets they can get.


Sneak a peak

An activity to build communication within a group as they try and create a sculpture only one of them has seen.


Trust Circle

Testing a group’s trust in one another, this challenge requires all to trust or all will fall.