Welcome to our Catholic youth work Resources archive!

This section is primarily for parish youth workers and those involved in organising groups of young people. You may be a youth worker or leader, or perhaps just a regular young person who wants to start something in their school or parish. Whatever your situation, this Catholic youth work Resources archive is full of ideas for activities, games, praying etc. Use our filter tool below if you’re looking for something in particular. Please bear in mind that many of our resources can be used outside of the designated age range or theme, these are simply here to give you a rough guide!

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Building a biscuit sculpture

This team activity involves groups building a biscuit scultpure out of biscuits and buttercream. The team who create the best sculpture as judged by you is the winner.


Co-op Colouring

A useful activity for teaching young people the importance of working as a team and the need for others/ community.


Decorate a parish Christmas Tree

Help your young people prepare for Christmas and feel a part of the parish by decorating a tree to be placed somewhere in the church or hall.


Nature Art

A fun outdoor activity, Nature Art involves young people creating images using the bits of nature they find on the ground.


Pentecost Kites

Pentecost Kites is a fun activity that involves first making, then decorating and finally flying kites and using the kites as a metaphor for the spirit at Pentecost.


Rolling Ball Gauntlet

A game for large groups, the group forms a large circle and those who enter must dodge the constant rolling balls.