Welcome to our Catholic youth work Resources archive!

This section is primarily for parish youth workers and those involved in organising groups of young people. You may be a youth worker or leader, or perhaps just a regular young person who wants to start something in their school or parish. Whatever your situation, this Catholic youth work Resources archive is full of ideas for activities, games, praying etc. Use our filter tool below if you’re looking for something in particular. Please bear in mind that many of our resources can be used outside of the designated age range or theme, these are simply here to give you a rough guide!

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Co-op Colouring

A useful activity for teaching young people the importance of working as a team and the need for others/ community.

Cup stack

Teams must work together to create a pyramid made of paper cups.

Disclosure Form

Concerns and allegations about a child who is, or may be, at risk need to be documented.

Do this, Do that

Similar to ‘Simon says’, Do this, do that works great with any size group. When an action is done and you say “do this” they must follow it, when you do an action saying “do that” they must not do it.


Splitting the group into two teams, they must throw balls at one another and the winning team is the one who hits all the opposing members first.

Easter Jars

When we finished we stuck a prayer on the jar which we can say before we take out a piece of paper.

Egg Toss

Egg Toss is a fun race where you paint an egg and then race it down the hill by tossing it down as fast as possible without causing it to crack!

Escape the Snake tomb

Groups must work together as teams to cross a marked out area and collect items upon the way, while at the same time ensuring they don’t touch the floor.


A drama put to music, showing the fall of humankind and how far God will go to get us back.

Faith Line

A helpful way to begin a conversation about faith and belief in God with secondary school young people.

Finger Grab

Testing reactions and helping to focus a group, in this game they have to both catch another finger and remain uncaught to win.

Four Square Dodgeball

A twist on the normal game of dodge ball, this is a handy game for large groups to keep everyone involved.