- Theme
- Marian
- Age Range
- 14+
- Type
- Activities
- Number of Participants
- 4+
- Timescale
- 30-60 minutes
Supplies you’ll need
- String– 1.5 metres for a single decade rosary or 6 metres for a full rosary. We tend to just do decade rosaries when doing this with young people
- Matches
- Candle
- Scissors
- Instructions on how to pray the rosary
- Miraculous Medals (optional but a nice addition!)
It’s useful for you as a leader have the technique down, then you can help teach, guide and rectify as necessary as you go.
Leading the Activity
Lead into the Rosary, and the role that it has in the richness of the Catholic faith. Explain that we will be making some rosaries that they can take home with them.
There are lots of instructions as to how to make the rosaries online. One clear example is here, but we think that our video above offers a great and easy way for making a rosary.