Welcome to our Catholic youth work Resources archive!

This section is primarily for parish youth workers and those involved in organising groups of young people. You may be a youth worker or leader, or perhaps just a regular young person who wants to start something in their school or parish. Whatever your situation, this Catholic youth work Resources archive is full of ideas for activities, games, praying etc. Use our filter tool below if you’re looking for something in particular. Please bear in mind that many of our resources can be used outside of the designated age range or theme, these are simply here to give you a rough guide!

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Agree or Disagree

Young people are given a statement and must decide whether they agree or disagree before defending their decision.


Back to Base

A base is decided and young people must run away and hid. They must then try and get back to base a quick as possible without getting caught. This game is great for outdoor fun.


British Bull Dog

An old classic, people must run from one side of an area to another without being caught by the people who are on.


Capture the Flag

A large group team game where opposing teams must capture the opponent’s flag.


Cheerleader Rock/Paper/Scissors

Rock/Paper/Scissors on a large scale with a twist. Every time someone loses a game, they must then become the winners cheering supporter.


Do this, Do that

Similar to ‘Simon says’, Do this, do that works great with any size group. When an action is done and you say “do this” they must follow it, when you do an action saying “do that” they must not do it.


Four Square Dodgeball

A twist on the normal game of dodge ball, this is a handy game for large groups to keep everyone involved.


Heads and Tails

A great game for focusing large groups, can be played with as few as 20 or as many as a 1000 – the more the merrier!



A large group game that works well for focusing a group in an active way. Jockeys works with any age and any number, as long as you have space!


Laser Quest

Laser Quest is a fun team-building activity for a youth group to spend a session doing. High energy and lots of fun, we walk you through how to arrange it.


Protect the Monarch

A crazy game where the king/queen must be defended from a barrage of balls. Requires teamwork, speed and cooperation.